How to be successfully become famous Youtuber


YouTube is an part of Google company and you we and anybody can't be successful youtuber in one week or 1year but if you follow my tips you can be 

1) making attractive Thumbnail

Making attractive Thumbnail sure make a youtube vedio more click first search how to do professional thumbnail which apps are best if any courses for it search and that all you be in....

2) Making Vedio attractive 

Making a attractive vedio can make veiws and people feel some freshman edit you vedio in expression see triggered Indian & Mypath they will get more veiws because of thumbnail and vedio editing and brave speakingness they both add some comedy , serious and etc golems dialogue and make it attractive   

3)Last Make short and sweet Vedio is more than 16 minutes every one refuse it because a study tells that making a long vedio in youtube can make people skip that vedio or close that vedio 

So make the vedio less than 16 minutes that everyone would watch until end 

4) if all of this was perfect subscribers and viewers get more and you will be a great youtuber


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